Diversifying meaning

At EA Global last month, I saw a talk between Julia Wise and Alex Gordon-Brown about parenting. He made an off-hand comment that having a satisfying personal life makes it easier to deal when work isn't going well.

That seems so relateable to me! I get a huge sense of meaning and purpose and fulfillment from my job and feel pretty down or frustrated when it's not going well. But there are some things in my personal life, like being married to my awesome husband, my involvement in the EA community, and feeling valued and included and needed in my group of friends that also gives me a sense of meaning and connection and which balances out the highs and lows from my job. I can totally believe that parenting has a similar effect.

For my own benefit, and for anyone who may be reading, I'm going to brainstorm some other examples of ways people experience meaning and connection and fulfillment that I could potentially add to my life:
  • Doing repairs around your house - experiencing satisfaction from making your home safe and pleasant and customized.
  • Having a clear role in a weekly D&D group (the DM, or the person who makes everyone laugh, or the Cleric, or the person who brings the snacks).
  • Planting a garden and cooking with the food you grow.
  • ...Twitter? Nurturing and mentoring some lovely young people you meet online?
I would love to hear more suggestions or anecdotes of how people have several sources of meaning in their lives, here or on Twitter!


  1. This is something I find reassuring when career stuff is more uncertain/going less well - to remember that even if that doesn't work out, lots of other things in my life are great - marriage, friends, interests, food etc. And even within work, I think it's better if you can have multiple sources of meaning (as I have tried to do): not just focusing on achievement, but also trying to do things you intrinsically enjoy even if they don't come to anything, work with people you enjoy being around etc.

    1. I totally agree - having multiple sources of meaning even at work is really helpful as well! It's lovely when you have a job that teaches you skills and helps people with lovely coworkers, for example. :)


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