Review: "A World Without Email" by Cal Newport
Cal Newport's A World Without Email would have been revolutionary three years ago. Now it feels a little out of date. To be fair, this might be a me thing. I skipped the first half because I'm already sold on the problem: checking your email every 5 minutes is clearly bad for getting any actual work done. I'm familiar with Cal's previous work (including Deep Work and So Good They Can't Ignore You ) so I get it! The second half of the book sets out some proposed solutions. This is the section I bought the book for and the section that underwhelmed me. Cal suggests things like use Calendly to schedule meetings. I agree, but it's a lot less radical than I thought he would be, given the whole book is supposed to be about eliminating email altogether! In addition, he doesn't seem aware that Microsoft Outlook (the most mainstream of email clients) has included a scheduling tool for years that lets you view your coworkers calendars and book a meeting at a time w...